Saturday, December 13, 2008


Well Wedneday morning at 8:45am I checked into Ingham regional for my SARPE surgery and removal of bottom Right wisdom tooth. I get changed and my IV put in and the nurse brings mu consents to sign for surgery. Specifically Leforte 1, Sagital split, and Geino. Ummm? NO! First off I am not getting geino done at all not now not 2 years from now, secondly I have not even had braces yet. That surgery is for the most part coming up in a year or two. needless to say I am 2nd guessing my surgery. Eventually Dr. Mauro comes into see me and says I am just having the expasnsion (LeForte 1). Ok you know what you are doing then lets do this.
So I wake up from surgery around 2pm and notice a short time later that he never removed my wisdom tooth, Nice!

Well They tell me that since they could not find a bed for my in the hospital that Dr. Mauro said I could go home. Umm no I think I will stay. I felt like hell and knew that I could not take care of myself. I basically slept from the time they put me out before surgery untill they released me at noon the next day with brief intermintent periods of wakefulness to ask for drugs, suction out the blood from my mouth and go to the bathroom.
I have actually been suprised how much pain I have been in I am on day 4 and I am still drained and my teeth feel like they are in a vice and going to pop out of my head, and I haven't even started expanding yet. (except what the dr did in surgery). Somebody please tell me that my teeth will not pop out of my head and that this is normal.
I tried to post on Archwired with some of my questions but it will not let me register so that is a no go, and I have tried to ask questions a couple times on the orthgnathic yahoo groups but never get answers to SARPE questions on there so I am not sure what is normal pain wise after SARPE, and when I should expect to feel a little better.
So to sum it up, I feel like crap, not sure how long i should expect to feel like crap, oh and my ortho for got to give me the key so I can turn the expander when the time comes, and of coourse they arenot open till tuesday.
Someone remind me why I did this to myself!


Unknown said...

You've been wanting this for so long, and I'm sure it will all be worth it in the long run. I've been thinking a lot about you lately, and I'm sorry to hear that the whole surgery experience has been this frustrating for you. Hang in there, but let me know if we can do something for you.

Katherine (Kate) said...

Oh Diane, it doesn't feel like it right now, but it WILL pass...really!

It is unfortunate that Archwired registrations aren't working very well right now, were you able to do a search on SARPE? I know there are quite a few posts about it which hopefully have some helpful advice/support if you're able to wade throught it all.

These are a couple bloggers I can think of off the top of my head as fellow SARPE folks, and would probably answer questions for you, or at least let you know you're not alone through their posts after the surgery :)

Foxface- Chris-

Man, you did NOT have a very pleasant hospital experience at all. Here's hoping it can only get better, right?

Hang in there, one moment at a time *hug*

Clarissa said...

I hope your surgery went good for you. I hope for a speedy recovery for you. Check out Brandy's blog, she had a SARPE and additional surgery but she has a lot of info you'll find helpful.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys... I am 5 days p[ost op and feeling a lot better. I plan on going back to work Wednesday. My teeth still feel like they are in a vice, but other then that and being hungary all the time I feel pretty good.