Monday, October 27, 2008

It has begun.. The spacers are in...

The periodontist appointment went well on Oct. 14th, so my spacers went in on the 15th. OUCH! thought I was all fine till I went to bite into a sandwich, wow! was not expecting that. Good thing is I had 3 days to try out my liquid diet for surgery in December. I am now a pro at smoothies. have come to the conclusion that my nutrition supplement of choice will be carnation instant breakfast and I have a lot of soup to make and freeze.

I had my fitting for my RPE last friday and it will go in on November 14th a full month before my surgery. That should be fun, a whole month to have a huge piece of metal in my mouth doing absolutly nothing but getting in my way. But on the brighter side.. I am at least getting somewhere now. and every step I take is one step closer to finishing this process!


Katherine (Kate) said...

Is it just a bit exciting to be able to go " Yes! It has begun!" ?

Spacers = evil, if for no other reason that they're annoying. I swear they put us through them to determine if we're willing to go through with the whole sha-bang :)

Mollieb said...

Congratulations! I know the first few days of healing after the surgery are tough, but so many of us have been there and are here to offer you words of encouragement.

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you!!! With the weather getting cold, I'm going to try to make a soup every weekend. If I stumbe on to one that is good enough for you, I will share. We are here if you need ANYTHING. You are beautiful inside and out, but I don't think you know that. I hope that after this is all over, you see what I have seen for years.

Unknown said...

Ugh! my spacers have been in for a month.. they are irritating the crap out of my gums now. They come out on friday when the put in the RPE ( 1 whole month early)
But yes it is kinda exciting to know that I am finally starting this....