Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thought I would put up a pic of my gap at its largest. That is just freakin scary. I cannot stress enough how self concious I am of this. I feel the need to make sure that everyone knows that..No I did not lose my front tooth, REALLY! and it will close up eventually, and Yes I did do this on purpose and will be happy I did eventually!!!! did I say how self concious I am right now. and I HATE talking on the phone... I sound like I am lacking in the intelligence department... UGH!!! I hate this!


Katherine (Kate) said...

Very impressive~ Just think. If it's at it's largest, you'll soon be on your way to watching that gap CLOSE!!!! Sorry it's so uncomfortable to look at right now. How soon before there's a wire slapped on there so you can get things moving the other direction?

Hang in there, it won't be like this for long :)

Unknown said...

They won't put my braces on for 3 months.. till they are sure it is healed up nice....3 months seems very far away

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you for going through this! I'm sure it's really difficult, but I can't wait for you to be happy with yourself and to have the self confidence you have lacked. Be patient, this will all be worth it in the end!!!

Foxface said...

Hi there,
I had my SARPE in October and am also waiting for the dreaded gap to close - don't worry, it'll be gone before you know it. A good deal of the worst stuff is behind us already! I'll check back to see how things are going with you.

saturnine said...

Hi there. I know you don't know me but I found your blog on the yahoo orthognathic surgery group. In a few months I'll be having surgery on my top jaw as well to widen the palate and well, I'll look just like you in that photo. I admire you for posting it. I want to do the same thing as well once my treatment gets started... that way I can document "the journey" and if someone else comes along with the same problem, I can try to ease their mind and self-esteem. I'm really freaking out about that part actually - I know having the gap is going to suck. I hope you don't mind but I'm following your blog now to see your progress. Like the other comments said, in the end it will be worth it and the time with the gap will seem like nothing compared to how much time you'll spend with a perfect smile :)