This is embarrassing to post these pics for the world to But I am doing this as much for me as for anyone who reads this blog. I want to be able to see exactly how far I have come as I go through the surgeries, braces, dental work, ect... I have lived my whole life with this smile and it has controlled every aspect of my life. I lack self confidence, I hate the way I look. It effects the way I make friends, interacts with friends, family, coworkers, ect.. I lack the self confidence to date, I even worry about what my 3 year old daughter feels about what I look like when I smile.
I NEED to get this fixed and am so excited to begin the process.
So on to the pics.......
front view
Front view close up bad is that
This is my teeth touching...WOW!
So bad that I can actually stick my tounge out with my teeth touching at molars