I went in on the 14th to get my RPE installed, I had one tooth that had been really sensitive the last two days and when the assstant tried to fit the rpe bands around my teeth I thought I would hit the ceiling. I was sure the tooth was being ripped out it hurt so bad. The assistant gave it a couple tries but decided to wait for Dr. Novak to give it a try.
Dr. Novak came in and gave it a go but could not get it on either. She decided to put spacers back on my teeth and wait a week or so to see if the tooth that was bothering me would stop hurting, she also added to more bands for good measure for extra space. Not sure how that will help with getting my tooth to stop hurting. I tried to get her to let me take the RPE home and put it in myself. It is easier to deal with pain when you are inflicting it upon yourself, but she said no she has a feeling that the RPE does not fit quite right, but she can not tell for sure untill my tooth stops bothering me so much. So I have a week and a half to call them back and tell them that my teeth do not hurt and we can try agian.
Well on the bright side that is at least a week or so that I do not have to wear the RPE before surgery.